Shoulder Pain

Why does my shoulder hurt when I lift my arm up?

Shoulder pain when lifting your arm pain is one of the most common reasons to see an osteopath.  Our expert osteopaths in Bath have over 30 years of experience in helping people with shoulder pain get back to leading a pain-free active life.  If you have shoulder pain when you lift your arm then the information below may help you understand what may be causing the problem and how we can help you get rid of it.

Shoulder Mechanics

The shoulder is a complex set of structures that must work together to provide a lot of mobility and be strong and stable while performing its many actions.

The shoulder is made up of three bones, the humerus (upper arm), the scapula (shoulder blade) and the clavicle (collarbone), which between them have joints which allow movement.  The joints of the shoulder can move very freely in normal circumstances, the stability required for efficient movement comes from the many muscles that relate to the shoulder (1).  This means the shoulder complex can easily become unstable and dysfunctional, producing pain when moved, this can produce something called ‘impingement syndrome.

Impingement Syndrome

If you overdo it in the gym or garden you may find the shoulder is generally sore to move for a few days, this is down to muscular fatigue.  However, if your shoulder is sore for weeks or months when you try to lift the arm up to or above shoulder height (especially if you are lifting it out to the side) then you may have a dysfunctional shoulder, commonly known as ‘shoulder impingement syndrome’.  The space beneath the acromio-clavicular (A/C) joint where some of the rotator cuff tendons travel through is known as the sub acromial space, when your arm is raised it can be as little as 5mm (1).  If this space is narrowed then the various tendons and other structures can come in contact with the underside of the A/C joint producing inflammation and pain (1).  Factors that produce a narrowing of the space are mainly biomechanical (2), they include;

Rotator Cuff Strain – A tear in the small muscles that stabilise the shoulder resulting in a change in how the joint moves when the arm is raised.  This can be due to changes in how the joints in the upper back and neck are performing or tightness/weakness in the many muscles that ensure it moves appropriately when you lift your arm (3).  A strain in the rotator cuff muscles may be a gradual fatiguing strain that happens over time, or you may ‘feel it go’ as you lift something, resulting in pain in the top of the arm or the back of the shoulder.

An imbalance in how the humerus sits in the socket(the glenohumeral joint) – Changes in posture, or an imbalance in the musculature can result in the humerus moving forwards in the joint (1, 4).​  This can be the result of tightness and/or weakness in the various muscles that support the position of the shoulder joint complex, including the lower trapezius, serratus anterior and levator scapula (2).  Also, a lack of movement at the base of the neck has been shown to be a strong predictor of shoulder dysfunction (3).  Commonly people who have this issue may have had a rotator cuff injury in the past, or have a job that involves a repetitive task such as building work, driving or even working at a computer.

Bursitis – Bursas are fluid-filled sacs that provide easy gliding movements, preventing friction, the presence of them in a joint indicates the potential for friction.  Altogether the shoulder joint has 6 bursae.  If they are exposed to excessive forces (mainly compression and shear forces) due to improper movement or excessive loading (doing too much for too long) then they can become inflamed and sore.

AC joint degeneration – The acromio-clavicular joint (A/C joint) is located on the top of your shoulder and is formed by the clavicle and the scapula.  It has a small joint surface which must cope with a lot of load over a lifetime, this means it is vulnerable to trauma (such as falling onto your hand, or tackling in rugby) and can begin to become arthritic early in life.  Most people in their 60’s will have some degree of arthritis in this joint (1). Through repeated actions such as weight lifting or manual labour the cartilage on the joint surface may wear out leading to the body replacing it with rough edged bone (a spur).  This rough edge can catch on surrounding tissues as they pass between the a/c joint and the humerus when the arm is raised, producing pain (2).

At Align Body Clinic our expert osteopaths are able to accurately identify what might be causing your shoulder pain when you move your arm and perform hands-on treatment, coupled with carefully prescribed exercises to help you get back To having a fully functional shoulder. We have helped scores of people get rid of their rotator cuff strains and get back to living a normal life.


As well as an impingement problem, there are a couple of other common reasons why you may have pain in your shoulder;


Frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis) – Many people who have a shoulder problem can mistakenly think they have a debilitating chronic condition known as ‘frozen shoulder’.  Frozen shoulder can appear very similar to an impingement problem when it first occurs as nearly always the first symptoms to appear are pain and stiffness around the shoulder, however it’s clinical course is very different (2).  As frozen shoulder begins to progress the pain reduces and the joint becomes very stiff and severely limited in most movements, especially lifting the arm out to the side and turning the shoulder outwards.  Rarely would impingement syndrome be this severe.  Eventually a frozen shoulder does begin to recede and improve, 60% of people have full resolution within two years, however results are often better with treatment involving manual therapies such as osteopathy and carefully prescribed exercise (2).

Referred pain – Referred pain is where the body has a problem in one place, but your nervous system reports it to be somewhere else.  In the case of the shoulder, pain is commonly referred from the joints and other structures of the neck (6).  There are seven vertebrae in the neck, each numbered.  At the top is C1, and at the base of your neck is C7. As the diagram beside shows, each level of the spine and it’s structures are capable of referring pain to various parts of the shoulder.  If this was the source of the pain then you would experience pain more by moving and turning your head than if you were to move the shoulder, and any treatment you may receive would be more likely to concentrate on the neck and upper back (2).


What should I do if I have pain in my shoulder?

If the pain is very short-lived or is soon after a bout of increased activity such as heavy DIY or a new exercise program then it may be just a reaction to a change in activity levels and will resolve itself naturally.  However, if it is sore for a few weeks and is getting in the way of work or leisure activities then you may need to seek some expert advice.  This is especially true if the shoulder and arm feel ‘unstable’ or difficult to move with a degree of ease. If you get it assessed by an osteopath or other medical professional soon after the pain becomes a problem, then recovery is more likely to be rapid (5).  Also, the correct diagnosis is vital in developing an effective treatment plan.  As there are several possible reasons why a shoulder becomes dysfunctional the genesis of the problem must be discovered.  There is good evidence that manual techniques applied to the shoulder, upper back and neck (such as those provided by an osteopath), when coupled with effective exercise prescription can help get rid of shoulder pain (4).  If the pain is not responsive to these measures then medical imaging and injection or surgery may be indicated (6).

What is our experience as osteopaths?

Every shoulder is different although there are several common traits that we find if we can identify then we can get rid of shoulder pain and improve a person’s quality of life;

Is the pain they are suffering a new problem or an old one? –  If it has been there for a while, or is a reoccurrence of an old injury then it will be necessary to find out when the original problem occurred and how they have adapted to the pain (have they started doing tasks differently to cope with the injury, and how has this affected them.

What are the main exacerbating factors, basically what makes it sore? –   If it is a very specific action such as throwing then we can investigate the biomechanics of that action and improve them.  If it is a pain felt while or after working or driving we can investigate how their workstation or driving position may be affecting them.

Are there other areas of their body that may not be functioning well and be asking a lot of the shoulder, eventually leading to it becoming dysfunctional? –  As mentioned above, the joints of the upper back and neck, as well as a whole host of muscles in the upper body need to combine to give the shoulder joint effective mobility while remaining strong and stable.  A thorough investigation of a person’s biomechanics and their effect on how the shoulder moves is crucial to understanding why the shoulder is not functioning as it should.

Understanding all the elements listed above, then constructing a treatment plan of carefully chosen manual therapy techniques (massage, joint mobilisation) and home exercises is, in our opinion, the most effective way to restore good function and reduce pain in even the most stubborn of shoulder problems.

How can shoulder pain be prevented?

As mentioned before, shoulders are easily damaged and are prone to dysfunction.  To minimize the chances of injuring the shoulder you can follow these steps;

Do not overload the shoulder either with excessive strain or repetitive actions.  If you must perform a lot of repetitive or prolonged tasks then take regular breaks, this is especially true if you spend a lot of time working with your arms raised above your head.

Warm up and cool down well when playing sports, especially if your sport involves throwing or explosive movements of the arm and shoulder.

Perform regular stretches which improve the range of motion in the shoulder and the upper back, neck and ribs.

If you start having shoulder pain, get it medically assessed as soon as possible to improve long-term outcomes.


Do you want to know what is causing your pain and if we can help?  Why not take advantage of our new patient assessment introductory offer to get you started towards a tailor made recovery plan for only £19.

Are you in a lot of pain and want to get better as soon as possible?  If so then why not book in for a new patient consultation, with treatment on the day, for £72.





  1. Levangie, P. and Norkin, C. (2005) Joint Structure and Function: A Comprehensive Analysis (4th ed). F. A. Davis, Philadelphia.


  1. Carnes, M, & Vizniak, N. (2011). Conditions Manual. Professional Health Systems, Canada.


  1. Norlander et al (1997). Reduced mobility in the cervico-thoracic motion segment. A risk factor for musculoskeletal neck-shoulder pain.  A two year prospective follow up study.  Scand J Rheum Med,  29:167-174.


  1. Seffinger, M. and Hruby, R., 2007. Evidence Based Manual Medicine – A Problem Based Approach. Philadelphia, Elselvier.


  1. Winters et al (1999). Guidelines for Shoulder Complaints of the Dutch College of General Practitioners. In – Seffinger, M. and Hruby, R., 2007.  Evidence Based Manual Medicine – A Problem Based Approach.  Philadelphia, Elselvier.


  1. Magee, D. Zachazewski, J. and Quillen, W., 2009. Pathology and Intervention in Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, Missouri, Elselvier.


Do you want to know what is causing your pain and if we can help?  Why not take advantage of our new patient assessment introductory offer to get you started towards a tailor made recovery plan for only £19.

Are you in a lot of pain and want to get better as soon as possible?  If so then why not book in for a new patient consultation, with treatment on the day, for £72.



Book an assessment, diagnosis and first treatment for £72 by using our easy online booking system or by calling 01225 571084.


Book your first 45 min assessment & treatment plan for only £19 by using our easy online booking system or by calling 01225 571084.

“Jay has enabled me to get back to cycling and running pain free.  I didn’t think it could happen and it has, I am so grateful!” Heidi R, Bath


Call us on 01225 571084 or book your appointment online. Don't forget we offer a new patient initial assessment for just £19 so you can get to know us with no obligation or risk. However if you are in severe pain and want to start treatment sooner, our new patient consultation at £68 will include your first treatment.

Feedback from our Patients

“I was having problems with a rugby injury and struggled to get much movement in my lower back. Jay was able to diagnose potential causes and increase my movement range. the improvement after the first session was huge and in each session since it has continued to improve.”

Laura Mahoney from Bath

“I started seeing Jay after I was told to give up on my dream of competing in an IM70.3 this summer. Not only did he make sure I made it to the finish line – but that I crossed it smiling and in a surprisingly impressive time for my age group. My only complaint? I’m totally addicted to tri and already planning next season’s insanity!”

Georgie from Bath

“Jay put me back on my feet after a back injury that had worsened over eighteen months of other treatment. I couldn’t walk, sit or even lie down comfortably, Structural Integration (Rolf Method) was my last hope. Jay’s successful treatment outcome for this hypermobile, fibromyalgic, very unfit older woman was a miraculous feat. Thank you, Jay!”

HB Malvern from Bath

“Yes!! I had an acute injury from golf which Jay sorted immediately. Highly recommended”

Johnny Grace from Bath

“Have found the treatment really helped. After a couple of sessions, I had no lower back pain. Jay has a very kind and calm manner and I feel is very good at making you feel at ease.”

Becky Clay from Bath

“Yes, I’ve been suffering from a “bad back” for years. Jay has been fantastic in terms of diagnosing my problem, providing a regime to keep my back “under control”, and when the inevitable happens due to my chronic condition he has been amazing in terms of getting me back on my feet again.”

Chris Dance from Bath

“The treatment was extremely helpful, Jay gave me exercises that I was able to work on at home and are simple to continue with regularly.”

Elizabeth Passingham from Bath

“Having suffered acute back pain for over six months and having had treatment previously, Align Body Clinic was suggested to me. Since going to see them and having had approximately 6 treatments, supplemented by an advised stretching regime, I feel almost back to normal. The treatment and consultation advice has provided me with the knowledge that will help me move forward and avoid a reoccurrence. I would have no trouble in recommending Align Body Clinic and would like to thank Jay for getting me back onto the road to recovery – and the badminton court!”

Jonathan Mardon from Bath

“I’ve had back pain on and off for a while, as a professional athlete, it was putting a lot of strain on my career. I got in contact with Jay after a few failed visits at the physio. I’m now back on the road to full-time training thanks to Jay!”

Jessica Lloyd from Bath

“Within just a few treatments my levels of neck and upper back pain greatly dissipated allowing me to sleep and function normally again. Jay Ruddock is highly professional and personable with it. I cannot endorse his skills more highly.”

Peter Higgins from Bath

“I was suffering from pain in my neck, but after a couple of sessions with Jay the pain has gone, I wished I had gone months before when it first started instead of suffering.”

Lin Levan from Bristol

“I have seen various Osteopaths over the last few years, with little success. Since being referred to Jay by my PT, my long-standing back condition has dramatically improved and now allows me to enjoy a virtually pain-free existence and a far superior quality of life than before.”

Alan Smith from Bath

“I have been suffering from muscle aches and spasms for about two years now. I was diagnosed with an underactive thyroid last year and it appears the two problems are related. It has basically been constant pain during that period and I have seen roughly 20-25 specialists from doctors to masseuses. Jay actually understands the issue and has an effective approach to helping to relieve some of the trigger points. His work has moved the pain from a 9 down to a 2 or 3. It has been outstanding and I highly recommend him to anyone with similar problems.”

Caroline Lucas from Bath

“Having been told 10 years ago by shoulder “experts” that nothing could be done to relieve the constant pain I almost gave up on it…one diagnosis and a few treatment sessions with Jay and the pain I’d live with for so long was gone.

Outstanding service, great people and really flexible to my silly work hours, I’ve already recommended ABC to lots of people and intend to refer many more”

George Lewis from Bath

“I have had arthritis in my knees for some time, after treatment with Jay over several weeks I am now walking pain-free without a stick at a normal pace, not bad for a 72-year-old. I cannot recommend Jay too highly.”

A B from Bathford

“100 % difference I can go through a day with no pain and I can play sport again, Jay is a man with magic hands!”

Gavin Savage from Southwick

“My son was having an ongoing problem with his shoulder that physio alone did not solve. Jay worked on it over a number of weeks and he is now back to full strength playing rugby.”


“On retirement, I treated myself to Body Alignment sessions to clear some long-standing problems I had with my body – from accidents, work, age etc. I could not be more pleased with the results of Jay’s efforts. I have climbed mountains, taken up sailing and can say I feel better in my body since retirement than for many years before. Many thanks for the exercises, my knee is no longer troublesome. When I reach the top of a hill with no difficulty, I try to remember to thank my lucky stars I made the investment in my future and booked that first appointment. Thank you.”


“Better than I ever thought it could be! Such great progress over a short period of time and I couldn’t be happier with all the work Jay has done to improve my long term…”

Matthew Warman from Bath

“I was starting to suffer from lower back pain and wanted to get on top of it before it prevented me from working. Seeing Jay was the perfect option – he was knowledgable, thorough and great value for money. The exercises to do at home were easy to understand and have cleared my back pain up a treat. I would definitely recommend going to see him.”

Charlotte Bloom from Bath

“After hurting my hip during a hike two years ago, Jay’s significantly reduced the pain and I feel I now have a chance of getting back to normal and walking pain-free for the first time in ages – thanks Jay, I’m definitely glad I came along to the Clinic!”

Sophie J from Bath

“Before seeing Jay I was having “regular” back problems, however, his excellent diagnosis and effective treatment has helped me tremendously”

Chris Dance from Bath

“Jay was recommended to me. Immediate improvement in back pain and mobility after the first treatment. Even better after the second treatment. Good to have a programme to follow at home between appointments.”

Ann Kronenberg from Salisbury

“I had been having treatment on my shoulder by a different commercial practice previously and it had left me in more pain than when I started, probably because of their ‘one size fits all’ solution-based approach. As such, I was a bit nervous going somewhere else and having more treatment, but after a friend highly recommended Jay I went for a consultation. I was put completely at ease and after the first session, it was evident I had made the right choice. Jay asked lots of questions, talked through the problem and what he would do and why. It was clear that he knew what he was doing! I then had maybe 10 or so sessions and given ‘homework’ exercise to do between sessions and my shoulder is back to normal again now. A massive thank you! :)”

Emma Towse from Bristol

“Over 15 years Jay has sorted out a variety of sports injuries and the aftermath of broken bones! I doubt if I would still be caving, running and mountain walking at age 64 if it wasn’t for Jay’s amazing care. Totally brilliant!”

David Lossi from High Littleton

“Jay is a results-oriented Osteopath who I highly recommend. Whether using his skills for myself or my clients, I can be sure Jay will deliver a significant improvement or complete resolution of an issue or multiple issues. Few Osteopaths in the south-west can deliver, Jay Ruddock does.”

M C from Bath

“Fantastic, deep, subtle, effective treatment, Jay always gets straight to the relevant areas. Have had sessions many years ago as well as recently, and am delighted how long the benefits lasted. Highly recommend.”

Sophie Carrdus from Bradford on Avon

“I wish I had contacted Jay sooner with my persistent bad neck. The treatments have made a massive difference to my daily life.”

Molly Keel from Bath

“Jay has enabled me to get back to cycling and running pain free. I didn’t think it could happen and it has, I’m so grateful! The treatments and exercises Jay has given mean that I’m now able to maintain my back and knee health with a treatment every few months.”

Heidi Rearden from Bath


We understand that your first visit to any health professional can be a bit daunting. What should you wear? What will happen? are just some of the questions we have answered to make you feel at ease.

Other Treatments Available at our Clinic

At Align we offer a range of treatments to meet your needs. Find out more below.

Tailored soft tissue massage and stretching techniques to treat the stress, tension and fatigue from occupational, recreational or sporting activity.

A series of treatments to improve the body's relationship with gravity by direct manipulation of collagen fibre or 'fascia'.

A modern, researched based approach based on ancient techniques to provide pain relief either in isolation or alongside osteopathy treatment.

A low cost, no risk assessment with one of our experienced osteopaths. Ideal for those who are not sure or looking for a second opinion.

More Useful Information

Useful Information regarding your visit to our clinic!

With over 15 years of experience, Jay & Sheena will support your journey towards pain relief.

Let us help you, help yourself. Learn more about what could be affecting you with our Symptom Guides.

Learn how we have helped patients take back control of their recovery. Read patient case studies & success stories.

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