Neck Pain & Headaches

Jargon free, easy to read guide from our expert osteopaths in Bath

Our Guide to Neck Pain and Headaches

Do you suffer from neck pain?

The bones and joints of the neck are structured to provide protection for the spinal cord as well as allowing for the effective positioning of the head and large movements (the largest in the spine), which are provided by a complex array of muscles starting from the skull and reaching as far down as the mid back. These muscles work hard at all times, producing over 600 movements every day. With that in mind this complex area can produce some painful symptoms.

What causes neck pain?

The majority of neck pain can be attributed to chronic stressors of the neck’s mechanical structures, such as repetitive work tasks, sitting at work for prolonged periods, cycling and driving position, other biomechanical factors such as tightness in upper back muscles and joints can also contribute to a the possibility of developing neck pain.

The most common types of neck pain we see are;

Whiplash and Whiplash Associated Disorder

A sudden force, most commonly seen in car accidents, where the head is quickly thrown forwards then backwards can result in an acute set of symptoms such as neck, head, and shoulder pain.  There may also be some numbness, ‘pins and needles’, or shooting pains into the arm and hand.  There may also be some dizziness and ‘brain fog’.  These symptoms must be checked by a doctor and may require an x-ray or other imaging to rule out serious damage.

‘Cricked’ or ‘Locked’ Neck (Cervical Facet Syndrome)

People who are suffering from this joint problem usually describe a very specific location of pain in the neck with some more diffuse pain in the shoulder or upper back, there may also be some pain or numbness in the arm, but rarely past the elbow.  People who suffer this type of pain will struggle to turn the head and looking up may be worse than looking down, however all movements may be painful. This type of neck pain can be severe and debilitating.

Chronic Neck Pain/Stiffness

Everyone gets a stiff neck once in a while, but some people seem to have almost constant pain and stiffness in the neck. People who suffer from this type of pain can have either some age-related changes to the vertebral discs, or are placing an excessive demand on the structures of the neck through activities such as manual labour, long distance cycling, or prolonged computer use. From these activities it is possible to develop a postural problem where the chin is protruded, and the head is forward of the shoulders. This not only compresses the upper joints in the neck but places a lot of strain on the upper back and shoulder muscles resulting in burning or aching across the upper back and neck. There may also be some headache like pain at the base of the skull.


As the neck contains many vital structures, getting an accurate diagnosis is crucial to ensure that any treatment applied is not only effective but is safe.

Our expert osteopaths can accurately diagnose your symptoms and recommend the best course of action. They are highly skilled in manual therapy techniques such as massage, joint mobilization and manipulation that can help relieve the pain from various neck problems.

As well as providing pain relief our osteopaths can recommend exercises that have been shown to help reduce neck pain and advise on workplace ergonomics and pillow choice that will help prevent further episodes.

Do you want to know what is causing your pain and if we can help? Why not take advantage of our new patient assessment introductory offer to get you started towards a tailor made recovery plan for only £19.

Are you in a lot of pain and want to get better as soon as possible?  If so then why not book in for a new patient consultation, with treatment on the day, for £72.

We are also there to help you from home. Take a look at our suite of exercise resources and advice sheets which you can easily download and use from home.

Sources for this text 


At Align our focus in on providing expert, up to date care to patients in Bath and the surrounding areas to help them relieve their pain and achieve the most active life possible.  Here are just a few of the ways we do this;

  • We support your recovery, tailoring your treatment to your goals and a pace that works for you
  • We combine exercise and hands on treatment giving you control over your recovery
  • Our team of friendly, experienced osteopaths are available when you need us
  • Our treatment is clinically based, practical and delivers tangible results
  • We offer a low cost new patient assessment for just £19 so you can see for yourself who we are and how we work, with no obligation or  risk
  • We are continually researching new methods of treatment and where appropriate adapting our practices
  • We can provide treatment quickly and offer an easy online booking system so you can arrange the help you need when it suits you

Still unsure?  Don’t take our word for it, read some of the feedback from patients about how we have made a difference to their lives below.

View the list of treatments we provide from our Bath clinic.

Book a new patient consultation for just £72 today.

Read our other articles and advice about neck pain and headaches.

Help and advice for other common symptoms.

Feedback from our Patients

“Over 12 years of having structural problems put right. Can’t recommend the service enough!”

Tina Johnston from Bradford On Avon

“Jay is a results-oriented Osteopath who I highly recommend. Whether using his skills for myself or my clients, I can be sure Jay will deliver a significant improvement or complete resolution of an issue or multiple issues. Few Osteopaths in the south-west can deliver, Jay Ruddock does.”

M C from Bath

“I have seen various Osteopaths over the last few years, with little success. Since being referred to Jay by my PT, my long-standing back condition has dramatically improved and now allows me to enjoy a virtually pain-free existence and a far superior quality of life than before.”

Alan Smith from Bath

“Within just a few treatments my levels of neck and upper back pain greatly dissipated allowing me to sleep and function normally again. Jay Ruddock is highly professional and personable with it. I cannot endorse his skills more highly.”

Peter Higgins from Bath

“Sheena has been paramount in fixing all manner of ailments. Having regular maintenance treatments instead of waiting for a problem to arise, has kept me in tip-top condition and generally feeling in great health, physically and mentally. I would highly recommend Sheena and have even travelled 200 miles on occasions specifically for a treatment!”

M M from Bath

“Jay has enabled me to get back to cycling and running pain free. I didn’t think it could happen and it has, I’m so grateful! The treatments and exercises Jay has given mean that I’m now able to maintain my back and knee health with a treatment every few months.”

Heidi Rearden from Bath

“I have had arthritis in my knees for some time, after treatment with Jay over several weeks I am now walking pain-free without a stick at a normal pace, not bad for a 72-year-old. I cannot recommend Jay too highly.”

A B from Bathford

“I was suffering from pain in my neck, but after a couple of sessions with Jay the pain has gone, I wished I had gone months before when it first started instead of suffering.”

Lin Levan from Bristol

Daniel Slocombe

I started seeing Jay due to a bad back which had plagued me since I was in my mid 20s ( I am now in my late 40s). He is the only osteo, chiro or physio i have ever visited who has made a significant difference to my back. Thoroughly professional and determined to get to the heart of the problem and then sort it out for you. I really cant recommend him highly enough. I also now go to see him whenever I have any sports injury from a bad knee to a sore foot. He has really made a big difference to my life.

Daniel Slocombe

“Very good location, quick and easy online booking system. Had me back to normal within a few sessions. Very grateful and would fully recommend to anyone.”


“Jay was recommended to me. Immediate improvement in back pain and mobility after the first treatment. Even better after the second treatment. Good to have a programme to follow at home between appointments.”

Ann Kronenberg from Salisbury

“Jay put me back on my feet after a back injury that had worsened over eighteen months of other treatment. I couldn’t walk, sit or even lie down comfortably, Structural Integration (Rolf Method) was my last hope. Jay’s successful treatment outcome for this hypermobile, fibromyalgic, very unfit older woman was a miraculous feat. Thank you, Jay!”

HB Malvern from Bath

“On retirement, I treated myself to Body Alignment sessions to clear some long-standing problems I had with my body – from accidents, work, age etc. I could not be more pleased with the results of Jay’s efforts. I have climbed mountains, taken up sailing and can say I feel better in my body since retirement than for many years before. Many thanks for the exercises, my knee is no longer troublesome. When I reach the top of a hill with no difficulty, I try to remember to thank my lucky stars I made the investment in my future and booked that first appointment. Thank you.”


“Over 15 years Jay has sorted out a variety of sports injuries and the aftermath of broken bones! I doubt if I would still be caving, running and mountain walking at age 64 if it wasn’t for Jay’s amazing care. Totally brilliant!”

David Lossi from High Littleton

“Fantastic, deep, subtle, effective treatment, Jay always gets straight to the relevant areas. Have had sessions many years ago as well as recently, and am delighted how long the benefits lasted. Highly recommend.”

Sophie Carrdus from Bradford on Avon

“I was starting to suffer from lower back pain and wanted to get on top of it before it prevented me from working. Seeing Jay was the perfect option – he was knowledgable, thorough and great value for money. The exercises to do at home were easy to understand and have cleared my back pain up a treat. I would definitely recommend going to see him.”

Charlotte Bloom from Bath

“Have found the treatment really helped. After a couple of sessions, I had no lower back pain. Jay has a very kind and calm manner and I feel is very good at making you feel at ease.”

Becky Clay from Bath

“I’ve had back pain on and off for a while, as a professional athlete, it was putting a lot of strain on my career. I got in contact with Jay after a few failed visits at the physio. I’m now back on the road to full-time training thanks to Jay!”

Jessica Lloyd from Bath

“Better than I ever thought it could be! Such great progress over a short period of time and I couldn’t be happier with all the work Jay has done to improve my long term…”

Matthew Warman from Bath

“Sheena has been treating my chronic lower back, after every session my pain is reduced, my stiffness is decreased, and as a result, my overall mood and happiness is significantly improved. I would highly recommend her to anyone requiring treatment”

E S from Bath

“I was having problems with a rugby injury and struggled to get much movement in my lower back. Jay was able to diagnose potential causes and increase my movement range. the improvement after the first session was huge and in each session since it has continued to improve.”

Laura Mahoney from Bath

“I sought help with a long-running problem with my back and shoulder. The advice, treatment and aftercare offered has been worth its weight in gold and I continue to benefit from their expertise and knowledge even now that my current treatment program has completed”

N C from Chippenham

“Having been told 10 years ago by shoulder “experts” that nothing could be done to relieve the constant pain I almost gave up on it…one diagnosis and a few treatment sessions with Jay and the pain I’d live with for so long was gone.

Outstanding service, great people and really flexible to my silly work hours, I’ve already recommended ABC to lots of people and intend to refer many more”

George Lewis from Bath

“Sheena has been working on my aches and pains for 3 years now. I have Parkinson’s disease and her work enables me to move more freely, improves my mobility and in turn, helps me to cope with living with Parkinson’s. She is always friendly and dedicated to helping me. I can thoroughly recommend her”

J C from Bath

“I wish I had contacted Jay sooner with my persistent bad neck. The treatments have made a massive difference to my daily life.”

Molly Keel from Bath

“Sheena made a huge difference to my pain after just one visit. She also used acupuncture at the same visit at no extra cost which was helpful for my symptoms.”

Lisa Slater from Bath

“Yes, I’ve been suffering from a “bad back” for years. Jay has been fantastic in terms of diagnosing my problem, providing a regime to keep my back “under control”, and when the inevitable happens due to my chronic condition he has been amazing in terms of getting me back on my feet again.”

Chris Dance from Bath

“Yes!! I had an acute injury from golf which Jay sorted immediately. Highly recommended”

Johnny Grace from Bath

“I wish I’d found Sheena years ago! Despite a long history of back problems, I’m feeling so much better after just one session. Friendly and professional, she put me instantly at ease, and took the time to understand my history and explain each step of the treatment. Would definitely recommend!”

Vicky Lee from Bath

“I saw Sheena today for pregnancy related SPD, she has helped so much after just one session, I would highly recommend her to everyone!”

Renee Clinch from Keynsham

“I have had several different pains and injuries with my body over the last few years, from sports injury to severe pelvic pain during late pregnancy. I strongly urge anyone with any pain in their body to have a consultation and see if they can take that pain away for you”

L G from Keynsham

“Before seeing Jay I was having “regular” back problems, however, his excellent diagnosis and effective treatment has helped me tremendously”

Chris Dance from Bath

“100 % difference I can go through a day with no pain and I can play sport again, Jay is a man with magic hands!”

Gavin Savage from Southwick

“I had been having treatment on my shoulder by a different commercial practice previously and it had left me in more pain than when I started, probably because of their ‘one size fits all’ solution-based approach. As such, I was a bit nervous going somewhere else and having more treatment, but after a friend highly recommended Jay I went for a consultation. I was put completely at ease and after the first session, it was evident I had made the right choice. Jay asked lots of questions, talked through the problem and what he would do and why. It was clear that he knew what he was doing! I then had maybe 10 or so sessions and given ‘homework’ exercise to do between sessions and my shoulder is back to normal again now. A massive thank you! :)”

Emma Towse from Bristol

“I started seeing Jay after I was told to give up on my dream of competing in an IM70.3 this summer. Not only did he make sure I made it to the finish line – but that I crossed it smiling and in a surprisingly impressive time for my age group. My only complaint? I’m totally addicted to tri and already planning next season’s insanity!”

Georgie from Bath

“Sheena has made such a difference to my long term aches and pains, and also shorter terms issues from too much DIY! She always takes the time to listen and try and pinpoint the reason or cause, and treat accordingly. I’ve also had acupuncture, which I was sceptical about, but it really worked and had great results. I am very pleased with the professional and caring approach and would not hesitate to recommend Sheena to others.”

Amanda Watts from Bath

“The treatment was extremely helpful, Jay gave me exercises that I was able to work on at home and are simple to continue with regularly.”

Elizabeth Passingham from Bath

“After hurting my hip during a hike two years ago, Jay’s significantly reduced the pain and I feel I now have a chance of getting back to normal and walking pain-free for the first time in ages – thanks Jay, I’m definitely glad I came along to the Clinic!”

Sophie J from Bath

“The treatments are very informal and informative and have helped me understand why I was in pain and reduce the chance of it happening again”

Cliff Looker from Devizes

“My son was having an ongoing problem with his shoulder that physio alone did not solve. Jay worked on it over a number of weeks and he is now back to full strength playing rugby.”


“Having suffered acute back pain for over six months and having had treatment previously, Align Body Clinic was suggested to me. Since going to see them and having had approximately 6 treatments, supplemented by an advised stretching regime, I feel almost back to normal. The treatment and consultation advice has provided me with the knowledge that will help me move forward and avoid a reoccurrence. I would have no trouble in recommending Align Body Clinic and would like to thank Jay for getting me back onto the road to recovery – and the badminton court!”

Jonathan Mardon from Bath

“Following treatment, I have been able to complete the Bath Half Marathon and go skiing for the first time in 25 years, with no ill effect.”

R P from Bath

“I have been suffering from muscle aches and spasms for about two years now. I was diagnosed with an underactive thyroid last year and it appears the two problems are related. It has basically been constant pain during that period and I have seen roughly 20-25 specialists from doctors to masseuses. Jay actually understands the issue and has an effective approach to helping to relieve some of the trigger points. His work has moved the pain from a 9 down to a 2 or 3. It has been outstanding and I highly recommend him to anyone with similar problems.”

Caroline Lucas from Bath

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